"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you."

-- Jeremiah 1:5

Celine Dion, Andrea Bocelli, Nick Cannon and Tim Tebow... these four celebrities are very grateful their mothers did not abort them, as seen in our Prolife.com video above.

DONATE today to help Prolife.com save more babies by sharing these amazing celebrity stories, and the links below, with the world...

Big Pro-life Events in January
Watch here, now...

UNPLANNED is the #1 Top pro-life film, the best pro-life film ever, a must see, true story, about heroic Planned Parenthood WHISTLEBLOWER, Abby Johnson.

Parents, Pastors, Teachers... PROTECT your children (today!) from Planned Parenthood's influence in schools, and online. Show UNPLANNED everywhere.

Watch UNPLANNED film now, streaming via Amazon, Fandango, and other services:

Babies, moms, families, need urgent help today!

Please join Prolife.com and help us save more babies, moms and families from abortion.

36 Years Pro-life Action...

We've been helping pregnant girls, saving babies and fighting abortion for 36 years with pro-life films, videos, literature, speakers, fetal models, websites, and more...

We've helped Human Life Alliance publish and distribute hundreds of millions of pro-life magazines to high school and college students, and families, across America and around the world. Order pro-life magazines from:

Pregnancy Help 24/7...

Expecting a baby? The "Stand Up Girl" HelpSite below has links to over 1,000 pro-life pregnancy centers and hotlines offering support and resources:

Heroic Ladies & Whistleblowers: Courageous women who deeply regret their abortions are now speaking out on camera, helping other women SAY NO TO ABORTION in CAN'T STAY SILENT video testimonies:

Scriptures... Start a beautiful Pro-life Bible Study using 35 verses... God explains how He created you, your life in the womb, and blessings for those who choose life:

Donate today and help save more lives and souls across America, and around the world:

exposes Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in America, and they must be exposed...

The UNPLANNED movie, about Abby Johnson's real life conversion story, is the best pro-life tool for exposing Planned Parenthood and their huge abortion business.

Please help us show everyone the UNPLANNED movie, trailer and music video, ASAP:

Matthew West music video for UNPLANNED:
Parents and teens must see UNPLANNED streaming online ASAP:

Please watch and share UNPLANNED film in your home, church ASAP. It's streaming online now at:

UNPLANNED is the ultimate, HEROIC, WHISTLEBLOWER movie: Abby Johnson's true story exposes the horrors she saw while working at Planned Parenthood for 8 years. America's largest abortion chain doesn't want you to see this dramatic blockbuster about Abby's PRO-LIFE conversion, and the nightmares at Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant that kills more than 325,000 precious, preborn babies each year, while receiving about $600 million in taxpayer money, annually. Help families and teens everywhere see this riveting film, the trailer and the amazing MUSIC VIDEO by Matthew West, ASAP.

Beyond "Roe" Webinar: Meet 40+ Pro-life Leaders

Top Pro-life News & information websites:

There is HOPE...
Best Science Videos, Photos, Ultrasounds, on LIFE BEGINS:

Heroic Catholic Bishops:

Graphic Images... these pictures can Open Eyes, Touch Hearts and remind people of the Golden Rule

Unfortunately, many people need to see graphic images of aborted babies before they can fully understand the terrible Injustice of abortion, which actually, is child abuse in the womb.

Gregg Cunningham, and his team at CBR, expose the evil of abortion using very graphic presentations, videos and images of aborted babies, on college campuses, in churches, at public events, online, and more.

CBR's graphic abortion images are for adults only... See online at:

Become a

Prolife.com is one of the most important pro-life domain names on the internet. In 2025, we plan to keep updating our website to make it one of the greatest pro-life resources online. Your donation will help us reach this goal, and promote and advertise this site widely around the world, which will help save many more moms, babies and famlies. Thank you for your support!

"Jesus is the Reason
for every Season..."
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Democrats Remove Henry Hyde’s Name From Courthouse Because He Was Pro-Life

As pro-life titans go, who could ever surpass the late Rep. Henry Hyde? Author of the Hyde Amendment, his against-all-odds victory has conservatively saved 2 ½ million babies. It is the rock against which the Abortion Industry has bashed its head for over 44 years ever since the Supreme Court—by the narrowest of 5-4 margins—upheld […] The post Democrats Remove Henry Hyde’s Name From Courthouse Because He Was Pro-Life appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 23:49:31 +0000

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University of Wisconsin Research Project Aggressively Promotes Abortion

UW-Madison’s Collaborative for Reproductive Equity (CORE) blurs the line between research and pro-abortion activism. According to its website, it envisions “a Wisconsin with policies, programs, and structures that enable people to access abortion and contraception, maximize their sexual and reproductive health, and govern their own reproductive lives.” According to university spokesman John Lucas, CORE “conducts […] The post University of Wisconsin Research Project Aggressively Promotes Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 21:06:50 +0000

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Liberal Bishop Who Blasted Trump Claims Jesus Would Support Abortion

“The message of Christianity is being distorted,” claimed Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, known for her sermon at the Trump Inauguration. In a culture where people seek to reshape the Gospel, we must return to the heart of Jesus — a heart that values, cherishes, and defends life from his or her very beginning. Her perspective […] The post Liberal Bishop Who Blasted Trump Claims Jesus Would Support Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 20:45:18 +0000

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19 States File Legal Brief Defending Georgia Heartbeat Law Saving Babies From Abortion

A 2019 Georgia law that protects unborn babies after “a “detectable human heartbeat” is found received additional strong support in a brief submitted by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and 17 other states. Georgia’s “Living Infants Fairness and Equality Act,” or LIFE Act, continues to protect unborn babies, thanks to […] The post 19 States File Legal Brief Defending Georgia Heartbeat Law Saving Babies From Abortion appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 20:20:29 +0000

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Trump’s Common Sense Policy Will Encourage More Kids as America’s Birth Rate Collapses

Gotta love the UK Daily Mail. Dismissed as a sensationalist tabloid, it is chock full of hard news, with thorough reportage by gifted journalists. Coverage usually includes eye-catching colour photos revealing things often censored overlooked in “mainstream” outlets. (Such is the power of demography, in the US reporters are advised not to reveal the race of criminal perps. […] The post Trump’s Common Sense Policy Will Encourage More Kids as America’s Birth Rate Collapses appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 19:54:06 +0000

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Don’t Fund PEPFAR Unless All Abortion Funding is Removed, Republicans Say

The President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief is supposed to be a major lifesaving program from the United States to the world. Under then-President Joe Biden, however, it was used to promote abortion abroad. Now, Republicans in Congress are seeking to remove the PEPFAR’s promotion of abortion through its sponsorship of organizations that support the […] The post Don’t Fund PEPFAR Unless All Abortion Funding is Removed, Republicans Say appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Tue, 11 Feb 2025 18:22:04 +0000