Pro-Life America - Facts on Abortion
Plus, learn how to survive today's sex culture . . .
Important tips on dating, sex, love and life! (WWJD)

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Pro-life Hero Dies…
John Edward Finn, 1937 – 2009

 1975 Finn family picketing photo...
1975 Finn family photo… That’s my Dad -- John Edward Finn -- leading the Finn family in our first pro-life picket! I’m J.T. Finn, publisher of, and I was 15.  That’s me, top left, with Dad, Mom, all six Finn children, our aunt and a wonderful nun, protesting abortion on the front lines in 1975. publisher mourns father’s death…
Offers amazing DVDs to advance Dad's pro-life legacy

Pro-life Celebrities help promote pro-life cause via DVDs, internet
and 32-page pro-life, purity publication (see celebrity photos below)

By J.T. Finn
Publisher of and

Bitter-sweet news… Dad passed away on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

My father, John Edward Finn, Jr., 72, of Redondo Beach, peacefully passed away at his home, Saturday, December 12, 2009, after a valiant battle with cancer. 

I was holding his hand when the angels came for him.

Dad was a dedicated Catholic, devoted spouse, wonderful father, former teacher at Jesuit Dallas, successful businessman, conservative publisher and a pro-life leader.

Dad was a major inspiration for me and He was an incredible, generous pro-life warrior and hero who helped many of the largest pro-life organizations save many babies and moms across America, and around the world!

You can save babies and advance John Finn’s pro-life legacy
with five (5) amazing, powerful pro-life and pro-chastity DVDs...
See DVD titles and descriptions below…

Ultrasound Baby

You can also advance Dad's pro-life legacy 
with pro-life quotes from famous celebrities 
in our 32-page LoveMatters publication:

                               Pro-life Celebrities in

See more LoveMatters celebrities and details below...

     Dad Meets Ronald Reagan…

Before becoming pro-life leaders, my parents helped Ronald Reagan's political career by publishing and mailing out, from their kitchen, 500,000 copies of the book, The Reason for Reagan. Dad met the future President Reagan while publishing this book.

Dad was a beloved mentor and friend to many Young Americans for Freedom members in Southern California, some of whom later founded or headed conservative groups or served in the Reagan White House, and in Congress.

    Pro-life Heroes for 35 years…

Dad and Mom’s decades of pro-life leadership and activism began shortly after the tragic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, when the Supreme Court imposed “legal” abortion on all 50 states.

The Finn family photo of us picketing above is "Classic Dad" in action...

I remember my parents packing us six kids into the station wagon that day in 1975… to picket pro-abortion doctors promoting abortion at a California Medical Association (CMA) meeting at the L.A. Convention Center.

    My parents saw “the writing on the wall”…

Abortion had become a deadly, urgent crisis… and they decided we must do something as a family… to fight abortion… to wake up America… to save babies, moms and families from abortion.

Dad and Mom became very active pro-life leaders, publishers, activists, prayer warriors and more.

They took our family to several Human Life International (HLI) conferences over the years… in Orange County, CA, Toronto, Miami, New Orleans and Santa Clara, CA.

They published and distributed huge quantities of pro-life literature and bumper stickers, while also praying, and protesting abortion, including assisting Helpers of God's Precious Infants, and attending nonviolent peaceful “rescue” sit-ins for which they both went to jail. 

Five of the six children also went to jail for “rescuing” babies at abortion mills.

For 35 years, Dad and Mom helped save thousands of women and babies from abortion by helping many national and international pro-life organizations.

        Baby Paul

    Meeting Top Pro-life Leaders…

Dad and Mom were friends and advisers to...

-- Fr. Paul Marx and Human Life International for many years, 

-- Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, 

-- Fr. Al Schwartz of Asian Relief, 

-- Joe Scheidler of Pro-life Action League, 

-- Joan Andrews of the “Rescue Movement” and many others…

This was a great inspiration to all our family!

My sister became a project coordinator and media spokesperson for Operation Rescue's efforts in the early 1990's.

Later, she became Fr. Frank Pavone's Administrative Assistant with Priests for Life, and was blessed to meet Mother Teresa on a pro-life trip to Calcutta.

    As for me… my parents’ pro-life efforts inspired me to…

-- Form Pro-Life America

-- Organize large Life Chains in Los Angeles (30,000 people attended in 1990)

-- Produce pro-life TVcommercials, and TV shows with Fr. Frank Pavone at EWTN

-- Produce the Spanish version of the video Hard Truth (Dura Realidad) with Hispanics for Life (and a recent newer version with BELLA actor Eduardo Verastegui)

-- Travel to Cairo, Egypt in 1994 to fight Planned Parenthood's international abortion agenda at the United Nations meeting

-- Manage and book speaking engagements for abortion survivor Sarah Smith, including interviews, TV and radio appearances, and more.  Sarah traveled the world speaking against abortion  

-- Distribute millions of copies of our 32-page, pro-life LoveMatters newspapers on high school and college campuses, through pregnancy centers, at World Youth Day and other special events

-- Launch and web sites.

Dad and Mom inspired all six Finn children to spread pro-life messages everywhere possible... at home, work, in parishes, through media, on the internet and beyond.

Indeed, many believe it’s no coincidence Dad passed away peacefully on Mary’s special day… December 12, 2009, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of Unborn Babies (We believe God was very pleased with Dad’s generous, tireless efforts defending His little ones).

    John Finn’s pro-life legacy…

    Dad inspired
    Pro-Life America, and

Dad and Mom have been huge supporters of our efforts at Pro-life America, and ever since we began... with prayers, advice, gifts and encouragement. 

Please consider helping us carry on Dad's pro-life torch in a BIG WAY in 2010, and beyond...

Dad is with us in spirit…

And we have big name celebrities speaking out against abortion... 
(see pro-life celebrity photos below)

But we need your help getting the word out...

Today, we have one of the most toxic cultures in American history…
    Pornography, sexual sins, abortions abound…
As Christians, we must be courageous…
We must take HEROIC ACTION…
The SOUL of our country is in jeopardy… on the verge of death…
    Thousands of babies are aborted each day!
We have one of the most pro-abortion Presidents and Congresses ever…
Urgent Action is needed now!

10 week fetus feet 

See these feet of a preborn baby just 10 weeks old...

It's not a "blob of tissue."  It's a person... no matter how small...

We must stop abortionists from butchering BABIES… thousands each day!
It may be uncomfortable at times…
…but we must make SACRIFICES for God and His little ones…
… like the SAINTS who’ve gone before us…
The reward will be great in heaven for His saints…
But before that…

    Dad loved pro-life DVDs…
He loved showing people powerful pro-life videos…
He knew a picture was worth a thousand words. 
That’s why he helped finance several early pro-life films.
Dad wanted Americans to see babies in the womb…

         Preborn baby face 
… ultrasound images, beautiful babies living, growing, moving before birth…
He also thought it was very important to show people babies that had been aborted…
…and interviews with pro-life doctors and prenatal experts, testimonies from women (and men) hurt by abortion… women willing to speak publicly about how they deeply regret their abortions.
    Shocking abortion video I saw FIRSTHAND!
Seeing a graphic pro-life video at my first Human Life International conference in 1988 was what really opened my eyes and touched my heart to the unspeakable evil of abortion.
Instantly, I was convinced I must do something to save babies, mothers and families from the brutal violence of abortion… and that led to my fulltime pro-life work.
Over the years, I’ve helped show pro-life videos like “Hard Truth” to MILLIONS of people at conferences, on the internet and on TV. 
WOW… what a difference this video makes! I’ve seen it change many, many minds and hearts instantly at college and church presentations.
Dr. Gene Antonio recently told me our Spanish version of “Hard Truth/Dura Realidad" was one of the keys to helping them win major pro-life battles against pro-abortion laws in the Dominican Republic. 
Dr. Antonio was able to show “Hard Truth” (Dura Realidad) on TV during evening news programs!  And they gave DVDs to all the legislators before key votes.

And recently, we produced a new DVD version of "Hard Truth/Dura Realidad" featuring famous BELLA movie star, Eduardo Verastegui...

            Eduardo Verastegui DVD 
Everyone needs to see this new pro-life DVD with Eduardo Verastegui.

How can anyone be “pro-choice” after seeing babies that have been aborted?
We show this video on our web site, and we offer it as a DVD…
(Get your DVD below.)
           with Five DVD Gifts…
In honor of Dad’s life and his pro-life legacy… we’re going to show millions of Americans pro-life and pro-chastity DVDs that will make abortion unthinkable.
We’ve selected five (5) of the best, most powerful DVDs to promote a Culture of Life…
One DVD has graphic images of aborted babies… the other four do not.
Please help us show America the following DVDs ASAP!
    DVD Project… Two ways YOU can help…
1. Make a donation to Pro-Life America so we can send free pro-life DVDs to pastors, teachers and leaders at churches, schools and pregnancy centers.  This is extremely urgent!
And / Or…
2. Make a donation and let us send you these DVDs as gifts that you can give or loan to pastors, teachers and leaders in your local community…
If you spend just 1-hour each month loaning out these DVDs… and/or giving DVD presentations… you can make a huge life-saving difference in your community.
With these DVDs, you can save many lives and souls each month!

        Students on Campus 

These DVDs are guaranteed to save kids from sexual sins and abortion!
DVDs need to be shown ASAP to…
-- Your family and friends
-- Students in high school and college classes
-- Confirmation, CCD, RCIA classes
-- Men’s Groups, Women’s Groups, K of C groups
-- Bible Studies
-- Prayers Groups, and more…
    Here are the 5 DVDs…
Five inspiring pro-life and pro-chastity DVDs we’re offering benefactors who help support Pro-Life America advance John Finn’s pro-life legacy…
(1) “Hard Truth/Dura Realidad” DVD with Actor Eduardo Verastegui - The star of the pro-life movie “Bella” has produced this eye-opening pro-life video showing the preborn baby’s beautiful development and the shocking, brutal reality of abortion. You’ll also see Eduardo holding a baby whom this video helped him save from the abortionists!  The Director of a pro-life pregnancy center in Los Angeles says this DVD is one of their most effective tools for saving babies because it touches the hearts and changes the minds of abortion-bound women.  (You get both English and Spanish versions on one DVD.) 
(2) Abortion Survivor Sarah Smith DVD - Meet one of the most amazing and powerful voices in the battle against abortion, Sarah Smith!  Sarah’s Mom had an abortion more than 30 years ago, but she didn’t know she was carrying twins.  One baby died, but miraculously the other baby, Sarah, survived!  She’s forgiven her mom for trying to abort her, and for five years they traveled the world together, speaking about the pain, suffering and death caused by abortion. 
   Sarah Smith’s stirring testimony touches hearts, changes minds and saves babies!  You'll see her as a baby crawling in a body cast, and later as an unforgettable pro-life speaker.  She’s met Pope John Paul II, has appeared on EWTN and “The 700 Club,” and has been keynote speaker at many pro-life events, including the March for Life in Washington, D.C.  You’ll see a beautiful woman who wouldn’t be alive today if the abortionist had done his “job.”  (Produced by The 700 Club) 
(3) “Sex Has a Price Tag”-- Pam Stenzel DVD - A powerful, life-changing, MUST-SEE for every teenager!  One of the world’s top chastity teachers, Pam speaks to 20,000 students every month! Filled with facts, true stories and proven advice, this DVD will strengthen teens’ willpower while showing them the benefits of saving sex for marriage.  Includes dozens of real-life stories of broken hearts, teen pregnancy, abortion and more, and clearly spells out the physical, emotional, social and spiritual costs of fornication.  Pam explains that God meant sex to be more than just a biological act.  He wants it to be in marriage only, for the lifelong bonding of two people physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  She reveals that each day in America, 12,000 teens get a new VD.  When this video first aired on national TV, viewers loved it so much they ordered 5,000 copies!  It’s guaranteed to help your children and grandchildren fight temptations and peer pressure, and live chastely! 

(4) Chastity DVD with NFL Quarterback Philip Rivers - The San Diego Chargers’ current star quarterback inspires young people and families as he tells the truth about chastity, holiness and true love!  This outstanding role model explains Faith and Family, Discipline and Chastity, Learning to Say "NO," Giving the Gift of Virginity, Modesty, Honor and Respect, Standing up to Temptation, Becoming a Role Model, and much more. 
(5) Mother Teresa DVD – See TRUE LOVE IN ACTION… This award-winning documentary tells the amazing story of Blessed Mother Teresa.  Filmed over five years in 10 countries on four continents, it follows the beloved nun as she helps the poor, the sick and the dying, and enters the world's most troubled spots — from war-torn Beirut to Guatemala under siege, from the streets of Calcutta to the ghettos of the South Bronx. See Mother Teresa loving orphans and placing babies for adoption with loving families. Plus, you’ll see her speak at Harvard's graduation ceremony, and meet with world leaders such as Pope John Paul II, the Reagans and Margaret Thatcher.  You’ll live, travel and pray with Mother Teresa in this incredible, inspiring film! 
(FYI…Total value of all five DVDS = $125.00)
Every $30 donated to Pro-Life America allows us to send one of the DVDs listed above… to you… or a pastor, teacher or leader at a church, school or pregnancy center…
Please PRINT this sheet and CHECK (√) the DVDs you want as your FREE GIFT(S) for your emergency New Year’s donation.  Minimum donation of $30 per DVD.
  My gift is $30 or more.  Please send me ONE of the inspiring DVDs I’ve checked below as a THANK-YOU GIFT for my contribution! 
My gift is $60 or more.  Please send me TWO FREE DVDs I’ve checked below!
My gift is $90 or more.  Please send me THREE FREE DVDs I’ve checked below! 
My gift is $120 or more.  Please send me FOUR FREE DVDs I’ve checked below! 
My gift is $150 or more.  Please send me ALL FIVE FREE DVDs I’ve checked below!

    No DVDs... I’m donating, but please do not send me any DVDs... Please use all my donation to send free DVDs to pastors, teachers and leaders at churches, schools and pregnancy centers.

International shipment - Please add $25 for an international shipment
Enclosed is my donation amount of:  $__________ 
Please make your donation gift payable to “Pro-Life America”
Mail today to:
Pro-Life America DVD Project
Note: John Finn's Pro-life Legacy
1840 South Elena Avenue, Suite 103
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
SAVE TIME – Call (310) 378-0067 to donate by credit card
   Instead, please bill my CREDIT CARD:  $___________
         VISA  MasterCard  Discover
Account No.:__________________________________Exp. date:______________
Mail DVDs to me at:
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City______________________ State:____________________ Zip: _____________
Phone: (_____)________________________________________________________
Email (optional) ______________________________________________________
Another way to fight
sexual sins and abortion...

With help from pro-life celebrities!

LoveMatters 32-page newspaper

Dad also loved our pro-life celebrity newspaper called:
It’s a 32-page printed newspaper… AND a web site!
2.5 million newspapers have already been distributed
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and advisor to Pro-Life America, said the following about our newspaper project:
“Sexual sins and abortions will ruin the lives of countless students unless we reach them right away with the life-changing messages in this 32-page publication…”
Fr. Pavone added,
“As a Catholic priest, I can't tolerate Planned Parenthood and the pro-abortion, radical feminists brainwashing so many college students and killing so many unborn children. That's why I have such a sense of urgency about this exciting new project.”

Kids get an amazingly complete overview of abortion in the 4-color, newspaper.

       Preborn baby 8 weeks 

Here's what's inside

-- Pictures of unborn babies developing in the womb
-- Methods of abortion described, including the barbaric partial-birth abortion
-- The abortion-causing properties of the Pill. Most high school and college kids have no         idea that the Pill causes early, unnoticed abortions.
-- Heart-wrenching testimonies from women who deeply regret their abortions
-- How abortion wounds women for life - mentally and often physically
-- The true story of a rape victim who became pregnant and chose life
-- True stories of pregnant mothers who died from "safe, legal" abortion, including a               32-year-old mother who bled to death
-- Shocking confessions by ex-abortionists who expose the sleazy abortion industry
-- Positive alternatives to abortion, including adoption, with 800 numbers to call for help
-- Why abortion is never the answer - even in cases of rape and incest
-- How to find healing and forgiveness after abortion

Plus... 16 pages full of great pro-chastity quotes, stories, testimonies, and more...

NFL Quarterback Philip Rivers is on our current cover...

          LM Phil Rivers cover

In 2010, at Pro-Life America and we want to…
print and ship out the Three-Millionth-Copy
of our LoveMatters pro-life, pro-chastity, celebrity newspaper.
Again… we’ve already distributed 2.5 million copies!
If you have not seen this amazing, life-saving, 32-page newspaper…
You can view all 32-pages in our online PDF at
LoveMatters newspapers have been distributed to students and families at… high schools, colleges, churches, pregnancy centers, bible study groups, Confirmation classes, CCD classes, World Youth Day, March for Life in D.C., purity conferences, pro-life events, K of C groups, and more
We need to maintain our standing offer to ship 100 or more FREE copies of to schools, churches and pregnancy centers who ask for them each day...
Pro-life leaders, pro-chastity leaders, students, teachers, pastors are phoning, e-mailing and writing asking for shipments of LoveMatters newspapers everyday! 
We’d hate to have to say no to these good people! 
We must keep tens of thousands of copies of on hand to fulfill these requests.

Actress Patricia Heaton has powerful
pro-life quotes in

Patricia Heaton holding 
SUCCESS STORY… 30,000 students reached in L.A.
In the Spring of 2009, we distributed 30,000 copies of LoveMatters newspapers to all students at the 50 Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles... and we combined this with our pro-life essay contest.
Now... we're working to duplicate this effort nationwide... to reach hundreds of thousands of students in other dioceses. 
     Doing 10 similar-sized distributions of LoveMatters newspapers (and essay contests) would mean 300,000 more students getting copies, and this would save countless lives and souls! 
     The printing, shipping, planning, etc., for 10 dioceses would cost around $120,000.
     (By the way, if you know anyone who might like to do a similar newspaper distribution and essay contest for their high school students, please let me know.  We’ll be glad to print a Special Edition of with the name, phone number and Web site of THEIR DIOCESE or Organization on all 32 pages of the publication.)
     We also want to give to 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade students at Catholic grade schools and to Confirmation and Religious Ed students in parishes. 
     We also want to give large quantities to Protestant and Orthodox schools and churches, as well.
     Cardinal Rigali Success Story… (Dad loved this one!)
    A few years ago, Justin Cardinal Rigali ordered 110,000 newspapers for the Archdiocese of St. Louis:  17,000 went to his high school students, 90,000 were inserted into the weekly Catholic newspaper for families, and 3,000 went to local pregnancy centers and to kids who rode buses to the March for Life in Washington that year.  It was a big success!
  We also hope to ship 100 copies to each of 1,000 pro-life pregnancy centers across America, to give to the many pregnant women and young people they come in contact with.  These 100,000 copies would cost around $40,000.
  We hope to put a copy of into the hands of 10,000 students at North Carolina State University—the alma mater of the San Diego Chargers’ pro-life, pro-purity quarterback Philip Rivers who's on our current cover!  We’ll need $4,000 to reach this goal.
    More Pro-life Celebrities…
Dad had plans to help us expand our “Pro-life Celebrity Campaigns” in 2010 on TV, radio, billboards, the internet and in our 32-page newspaper.
Here are a few celebrities we want to include in new projects:
1.  Willie Jolley - A month before Dad passed away, he received an uplifting phone call from famed motivational speaker/author/singer Willie Jolley.

          Willie Jolley 
Willie was named “One of Five Outstanding Speakers in the World” by Toastmasters International!
Willie is very pro-life and we’re planning to feature Willie in a future edition of and on our Web site, urging young people to choose life for their babies! 
  2.  Rashida Jolley - We also want to showcase Willie’s niece Rashida Jolley, one of the USA’s top pro-chastity speakers, in and in a video on our site.  (She’s also a talented singer/musician who “wowed” viewers of “America’s Got Talent”!)
     3.  Nick Vujicic -- an amazing, inspiring Christian motivation speaker who was BORN WITHOUT LIMBS...
          Nick Vujicic   

Nick is 27 years old and he was born without arms or legs... but that doesn't stop him!  He's got a PASSION FOR LIFE and he's one of the top motivational speakers in the world... Nick tells audiences that God created EVERYONE with a special purpose and a plan. We want to tell Nick’s story in our next issue of 
      4.  Tim Tebow -- Florida Gator quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner, Tim Tebow.  We want to print Tim Tebow's miraculous story and explain how Tim's mother said "NO" when her doctor recommended she abort Tim. Now Tim’s one of the most famous athletes in the world, and he’s totally pro-life!
               Tim Tebow
      5.  Other VERY FAMOUS PRO-LIFE CELEBRITIES want to work with us to save moms and babies from abortion.  We will announce their names as soon as possible.
     The newspaper has to be one of the greatest bargains in the world…
It costs only about 40 cents to reach one student with our unique, attractive 32-page publication, and an estimated three students read every copy. 
    So every 40 cents donated helps reach THREE students with our information-packed pro-life, pro-chastity publication!  
    I know times are tough, but it’s truly urgent…
    I pray God has made it possible for you to consider sending a heroic pro-life gift... 
    Maybe one of the following amounts...  
$25,000 will hand 62,500 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 186,500 students)
$10,000 will hand 25,000 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 75,000 students)
$5,000 will hand 12,500 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 37,500 students)
$1,000 will hand 2,500 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 7,500 students)
$500 will hand 1,250 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 3,750 students)

$100 will hand 250 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 750 students)

$50 will hand 125 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 375 students)

$25 will hand 63 copies of LoveMatters to students
(eventually reaching an estimated 189 students)

Please consider sending whatever you can to help us save students and babies now,
and throughout the New Year.
Your gift to help Pro-Life America and will help save many more lives and souls…
     Whatever amount you give will be a Godsend! 
     Whether it's a major gift, or a widow’s mite, your gift will be a super blessing.
     God will use your gift to... help save many students from casual sex and many babies from abortion.... Your gift will help:
     ... save girls from abortion-caused breast cancer...
     ... save girls from sterility due to VD or abortion...
     ... save teens from suicide…
     ... cause students to become pro-life activists...
     ... persuade pre-med and pre-nursing students to shun abortion...
     ... bring students to Christ, or back to Him... and much more.
     Sometimes people ask...
     How much is a baby’s life worth? 
     How about a young person’s soul? 
     We know... They’re beyond price!
(By the way… Pro-Life America also needs help to update our two life-saving websites at and ... to hire pro-life internet professionals to make these websites better organized, more helpful, more user friendly, more interactive -- and ready for people to add their own pro-life videos, articles, interviews and poems for others to see… And… we also want to give more “Pro-life Presentations” in person with our speakers and powerful DVDs.)
     The Bible promises that God will reward you for giving one of His little ones a cup of water. 
     Think how He’ll repay you when you help save babies’ lives and students’ souls!
     Please make your tax-deductible New Year's gift payable to Pro-Life America and rush it TODAY.
Your gift will save babies, moms and families from the deadly horrors of abortion.
     THANK YOU for being the best friend many young people and their babies will ever have! 
     I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers each day.

     Thank you for helping us advance my father’s amazing pro-life legacy!

     The Finn family began pro-life work with Dad in 1975, and we'll keep going until abortion is outlawed... John Edward Finn, 1937 - 2009, R.I.P.
              1975 Finn family picket small 
                              Gratefully yours for LIFE,
                               J. T. Finn
                               Publisher, and
                               Director, Pro-Life America
Urgent Reply -- PRINT and MAIL TODAY…
My URGENT New Year's RESPONSE to help save young people and babies!
YES, J.T.!  I’m sad to hear your father passed away.  I'm also sorry to learn Pro-Life America’s income is hurting!  I won’t let the recession stop your unique work to save students from sexual sins and babies from abortion! 
     I’ll do my part to help combat the new attacks on young people’s purity and babies’ lives from Planned Parenthood, godless school officials, Congress and other anti-life forces! 
   I’ll help you expand your exciting new newspaper distribution and Pro-Life Essay Contest to students in schools across North America...
    .... and to reach your new goal of three million copies given out...
    .... and persuade countless boys and girls to stay chaste and stay away from the abortionists.
  Enclosed is my Urgent TAX-DEDUCTIBLE gift to help distribute newspapers to youth and families in the New Year… Made payable to Pro-Life America:
   $25,000   $10,000   $5,000   $2,500   $1,000   $500   $250  
   $150   $100   □ $75   $50   $25     $__________ (other amount)
   Instead, please bill $___________ to my CREDIT CARD: 
         VISA  MasterCard  Discover
Account No.:__________________________________Exp. date:______________
Remember, every $100 puts into the hands of 250 students (and eventually 750 students) who’ve never heard the truth about sexual sins and abortion.
FREE GIFT! Please send me a FREE copy of the NEWEST, most exciting version of (with NFL star Philip Rivers on the cover) as a thank-you gift for my contribution!
My alma mater is:_________________________________.  Please try to saturate my alma mater’s campus with thousands of
Please make your tax-deductible gift payable to Pro-Life America
Mail today to:
Pro-Life America / Project
Note: John Finn's Pro-life Legacy
1840 South Elena Avenue, Suite 103
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
SAVE TIME – Call (310) 378-0067 to donate by credit card
THANK YOU for your generous sacrifice for Pro-Life America’s work!
May God grant you and your loved ones a Blessed Happy New Year!
“Whatsoever you do for the least of My brothers, that you do unto Me.”  Matt 25:40
“Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful ones.”  (Ps. 116)
 (Please remember Dad, Mom and the Finn family in your prayers.)
 Pro-Life America,, are all names for the same, pro-life pro-chastity, youth outreach.  

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